I'am so happy today although its Monday... the reason is, pagi2 dah ade org ckp Diya dah makin kurus...hehehe..
Ok sbb diya happy sgt2 , diya nk share 1 resepi yg sgt senang n buat uolss sume pon happy mcm diya..
This recipe is really2 effortless to make, anak buah diya umur 4 taun pon bole wat sndr..
All u need for this cake is :
1. Dua mangkuk
2. 1 garfu
3. 3 cawan kaca
4. Microwave or oven or Magic Pan pon bole
Ok here is the recipe & steps:
Bahan - Bahan
1. 4 sudu butter
2. Chocolate bar ( any choc bar n the amount depends on how sweet do u want ur cake is )
3. 1/4 gula ( kasar or halus x kesah )
4. 1/4 tepung
5. 1/4 sudu baking powder ( if u use self raising flour , tak pyh lg letak baking powder nih)
6. 2 biji telur
7. 2 sudu serbuk koko ( I use milo , sbb rasa cake 2 nanti lg sedap compared to serbuk koko )
Cara- cara
1. cairkan butter n choc and put aside
2. In another mangkuk , campurkan gula , telur n serbuk koko & kacau smp sebati
3. masuk kan No 1 dlm No 2 n kacau lagi
4. masuk kan tepung n baking powder n kacau smp sebati
5. masuk kan adunan td dlm cawan n bakar for 1-2 min ( bakar ni x yah pakai conv / 180degre , just panaskan je mcm biase...hehe )
Okeh..mcmne senang giler kan?? if nk buat ala2 molten kat tgh2 cake tu, dlm 45sec kuarkan cake tu korek kat tgh n masuk kan choc then bakar blk...
owh ye, diya pukul2 ni sume pakai garfu je ok.. hehe
This cake is really instant n easy to bake , diya buat adunannye mlm n pagi2 just masuk kan dlm mug n panaskan kat dlm oven for 1 min n walla... dah siap breakfast...
Happy baking
Ok sbb diya happy sgt2 , diya nk share 1 resepi yg sgt senang n buat uolss sume pon happy mcm diya..
This recipe is really2 effortless to make, anak buah diya umur 4 taun pon bole wat sndr..
All u need for this cake is :
1. Dua mangkuk
2. 1 garfu
3. 3 cawan kaca
4. Microwave or oven or Magic Pan pon bole
Ok here is the recipe & steps:
Bahan - Bahan
1. 4 sudu butter
2. Chocolate bar ( any choc bar n the amount depends on how sweet do u want ur cake is )
3. 1/4 gula ( kasar or halus x kesah )
4. 1/4 tepung
5. 1/4 sudu baking powder ( if u use self raising flour , tak pyh lg letak baking powder nih)
6. 2 biji telur
7. 2 sudu serbuk koko ( I use milo , sbb rasa cake 2 nanti lg sedap compared to serbuk koko )
Cara- cara
1. cairkan butter n choc and put aside
2. In another mangkuk , campurkan gula , telur n serbuk koko & kacau smp sebati
3. masuk kan No 1 dlm No 2 n kacau lagi
4. masuk kan tepung n baking powder n kacau smp sebati
5. masuk kan adunan td dlm cawan n bakar for 1-2 min ( bakar ni x yah pakai conv / 180degre , just panaskan je mcm biase...hehe )
Okeh..mcmne senang giler kan?? if nk buat ala2 molten kat tgh2 cake tu, dlm 45sec kuarkan cake tu korek kat tgh n masuk kan choc then bakar blk...
owh ye, diya pukul2 ni sume pakai garfu je ok.. hehe
This cake is really instant n easy to bake , diya buat adunannye mlm n pagi2 just masuk kan dlm mug n panaskan kat dlm oven for 1 min n walla... dah siap breakfast...
cantik kan?? ni sample je, bkn diya wat tau...tp lebih kurang mcm ni la cakenye nnt... |
Happy baking